Segel setzen für Toleranz

In 2018, the Kunsthalle Rostock wants to let the “Ship of Tolerance” into water – built by many northern lights. The project of the artist couple Ilya and Emilia Kabakov takes place for the first time in Germany.

By Stefanie Büssing 

Rostock. Eight countries, two internationally renowned artists, more than 100 square meters of sailcloth to paint and a vision that is now to be realized in Rostock: “Ship of Tolerance” is the name of the project by the Russian artist couple Ilya and Emilia Kabakov the Hanseatic city, the country and other partners in the coming year. The idea: a ship as a symbol of tolerance that connects people from different continents, cultures and identities. At Rostock, as many people as possible and a lot of lifeblood should be worked on in Rostock.

Since July of this year, preparations are underway in the Hanseatic city, where the project will be realized in seven countries for the first time in Germany. This is coupled with an exhibition of the artists in the Kunsthalle Rostock. “We are very happy that we are the first to implement the project in Germany,” says KunsthallenchefUweNeumann. “It has never been there before, even with an exhibition.”

Nevertheless, the large-scale project to hunt in-between operations is “a logistical challenge,” according to Neumann. “We are glad that we have already been able to win over so many partners and sponsors in the short time,” says Project Manager Guntam Porath from the Kunsthalle, who estimates the costs at about a quarter of a million euros. The city and the country are also on board – Patroness is Minister President Manuela Schwesig. On the occasion of the 24-meter-long wooden ship, the 20-meter-long wooden ship is to be officially launched in the Ludwigs basin of Rostock’s city harbor. At the moment they are already working hard: “There was already a pilot week with 124 pupils from three schools who painted 55 sails in the Warnemünde Cruise Center,” says museum pedagogue Stefanie Meyer.

“For the ship we need at least 125 sails, but our goal is 800, fitting for the 800th anniversary celebration.” To reach this goal, the Kunsthalle still seeks fellow combatants. “These can be school classes, clubs, senior groups or individuals,” Meyer says. “Anyone who feels like it, can join in.” The material is provided by the Kunsthalle, painted there, in the schools or also in both partners, among others in the marble hall of the Neptun indoor swimming pool or in the painting hall of the Rostock Volkstheater. At the beginning of April next year, work on the 20-meter-long and six-meter-wide hull will begin on the grounds of the IKU Rostock, which will weigh about ten tons. To implement the project equally in all cities, the Kunsthalle has exact specifications from the artists to get,

Mounted on a pontoon, the ship will be on the Warnow from May to October next year and will be part of the city’s 800th anniversary celebrations, the 38th International Hanseatic League and the Hanseatic League. “It will even be number one there,” says Porath.

It is not possible to drive, but the interior, which seats around 30 people, will be used for events, readings and lectures on respect and tolerance, as well as the pontoon, which acts as a stage for concerts. “We hope,” says Neumann, “that it will be a living place of lived tolerance.” 

Participate wanted

Who in the project  

“Ship of Tolerance” would like to become part of the international team: Interested parties who would like to paint a sail (regardless of whether school classes, groups, clubs or individuals of all ages) as well as other partners or sponsors can visit the Kunsthalle Rostock with museum pedagogue Stefanie Meyer under J0381 / 381 70 14 or by mail: museumspaedagogik @ rostock. to report. The next student workshops will take place from 27th November to 1st December and from 4th to 8th December in the Marble Hall of the Neptune swimming pool (please register). Further information about the project: